March 29, 2025

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Regarding long-term facial filling and contouring, Is Sculptra Dangerous? (Sculptra อันตรายไหม, which is the term in Thai) Sculptra is exceedingly safe and highly effective. On the other hand, the doctor you select to inject this medicine must be qualified. It is because the product differs from other dermal fillers. Therefore, an untrained doctor injecting it could harm your face permanently.

How Effective Are Sculptra Procedures?

Sculptra procedures are quite effective once the human body is used to the formula results. Since Sculptra works differently than cosmetic procedures like Botox or dermal fillers, it often needs less upkeep and monitoring. 

Hyaluronic acid, also known as HA, in one form or another, is the main component of most dermal fillers. The surface of your skin becomes smoother and suppler as HA fills in any holes in your skin. It also retains more water. It operates otherwise compared to Botox, which employs substances to freeze the neuroreceptors responsible for facial wrinkles.

Considering the collagen-producing benefits of Sculptra are more noticeable in the cheekbones and nasolabial region, a suitable Sculptra patient tends to require several fillers in these areas. However, it does not hinder other patients from benefiting from this medication. They will only need to consider various things when receiving it.

Things To Think About Before Getting Sculptra

Since their natural collagen resources are less likely to be harmed by pollutants and other substances, persons who are active and in good condition have a higher chance of success with Sculptra. A healthy lifestyle also increases the likelihood that patients may notice the effects of their Sculptra treatments before compared to other patients.

Nutrition And Lifestyles

When considering Sculptra, diet is an important factor. Eliminating fatty meals and drugs like aspirin before and after surgery can help lower the likelihood of bruises or scarring. The dermatologist can also be consulted on any further dietary constraints.

The Age Of The Patient

Although Sculptra may be used on people eighteen and older, the younger you are, the less probable your skin will undergo major alterations. Most patients who receive Sculptra are between the ages of 30 and 40 because that is when collagen production begins to decline.

The Dermatologist’s Expertise

Even though Sculptra is a harmless technique, it can still go wrong if done by a medical professional without sufficient training. Most medical experts must be more familiar with facial and body structures to recognize which areas require Sculptra treatment.